Government Services

Nondisclosure Agreements

A portion of Federal contract work and some private industry require confidentiality agreements. We are vigilant about adhering to our legally binding and promissory arrangements.  


First Responders

Post 911 funding sources procurement assistance. Also, presentation of and analysis for the cost effectiveness of placing Advance Practice Paramedics (APP) to fulfill gaps in health care shortage and extend medical coverage in rural populations. APP introduction and community expansion would ease the burden of patients seeking non-care in Emergency Departments for non-emergency need and provide care for rural patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes, pediatric asthma, COPD, CHF and therefore reduce health care dollars and typical ambulance service resources.

UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) 

Presented proposal project for rural Law Enforcement novel use for UAV’s to include: AED, Narcan, and auto injectable epinephrine delivery. As well as traditional location for both search and rescue and interdiction operations utilizing visual identification and cell phone ping data.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding Sources

Participated in providing vital data for K23, R01, and additional NIH grants for educational and non-profitt behavioral health care facilities.


